
Luis E. Quintero, PhD.
Carey School of Business.
21st Century Cities Initiative.
Johns Hopkins University.
luiseduardoquinteroe at gmail dot com
I am an applied microeconomist and public economistwith a special interest in cities. My work focuses on public economics, city infrastructure, and urban productivity, including industrial organization phenomena like the consolidation of urban housing markets and the housing affordability crisis. My research involves studying the factors that contribute to the growth or decline of cities in both developed and developing economies and the impact of public policies. I teach courses on infrastructure development of sustainable cities, real estate and infrastructure finance, and econometrics.
My work has been cited by outlets like NPR, The Economist, The Washington Post, Cnn. I have served as a witness at Senate hearings regarding my work on competition in housing markets. I am also an investigator at BmoreCollab, a business lab that supports inclusive prosperity.
I discuss city productivity, housing markets and policy, and methods at @leqonomics.
Since 2021, I co-direct the LACEA urban economics network.